In this time of the year, potted plants become more colorful thanks to the cold weather. Also, the temperature gap between the morning and night varies the color prism of the potted plants. My tiny balcony garden has several potted plants which are colorful compare to the summer.
Tips of this Chihuahuaensis also called “Nails”. She got her nails done every winter! Potted plants are also having their good time.
The way of water the plant is somewhat special. Since the faces(rosette) of the potted plants are delicate to sunburn when the water drop is on the leaves.
The leaves turn pale or withered as time goes by. That is why it’s better to be watered from the bottom of the potted ones. How to water to them is simple, all you have to do is just prepare a basket with full of water. Then, put the potted plants slowly to fully soak the water. Take the plants out of the basket after 30~40 seconds. It depends how much you put the soil in the pot. Be careful not to put the face of the plant in the water.
I also love this one which is called “Nanahukumini” because the small and cute leaves. This plant is very well known to Korean gardeners thanks to its comparative price and easy to taking care of. Do you see her nails done?
When I see these plants turning orange or red, I feel like I’m a farmer harvesting my grains. I spent time watering them, picking up the dead leaves and giving them nutritional supplements. Then I finally can take a picture of them, which is healthy and bountiful.
There are many pictures on my Instagram :
If you are interested in my another Korean succulents click here